Blogging with Google Glass


Wearable – and sooner than we think “embeddable” – technology is upon us in a big way.

Google Glass has changed everything. A lot of people snicker at the geeks wearing their Google Glass and gazing upwards with that weird expression of glazed confusion, but the impact is coming.

Why is this different from a mobile device?

Because it is ubiquitous.

With a mobile device, you have to purposely do things like snap a photo, shoot a video or use an app. With wearable technology like Google Glass it simply overlays the technology on what you are doing. Using technology will soon be a seamless part of the experience rather than interrupting the experience to use the technology.

Sounds rather nuanced, I know, but it isn’t. And we’re only at the beginning.

And as of today, you can even start blogging on WordPress using Google Glass.

Weber Shandwick (yes, I work there) has developed an open source application that allows Glass owners to post directly to their WordPress blogs. The app is called “WPforGlass” and was developed by a team from Weber Shandwick’s Innovation Lab headed by Ozzy Farman, senior vice president of technology innovation, and Greg Swan, senior vice president of digital strategy.

Two very bright guys. The app is pretty amazing. You can post pictures and photographs within seconds to your blog. While you can’t yet dictate a blog post that is something the WS Lab is working on.

You can discover more details about the app by clicking the links below.


“Eye Publishing: Google Glass Gets WordPress Plugin” (via Mashable)

Weber Shandwick’s Innovation Lab website

2 Responses to “Blogging with Google Glass”

  1. What a commendable work you have done, very nice post regarding glass technology. Thanks for sharing this informative blog.


  1. A big day for advancements in real-time publishing via wearable technology « GREG SWAN - December 9, 2013

    […] High Talk: Blogging with Google Glass […]

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